Bilingválne gymnázium C. S. Lewisa, Bratislava-Petržalka
Informácie o pracovnom mieste
Miesto výkonu práce
Haanova 28, Bratislava-Petržalka
Španielsky jazyk
Termín nástupu
Predpokladaný termín ukončenia výberového konania
Rozsah úväzku
(zastupovanie počas rodičovskej dovolenky)
Platové podmienky
Plat zamestnanca bude zohľadňovať zákon 553/2003 Z. z. a Nariadenie vlády Slovenskej republiky č. 220/2022 Z. z., ktorými sa ustanovujú zvýšené stupnice platových taríf zamestnancov pri výkone práce vo verejnom záujme.
Príležitosť pre ľudí z Ukrajiny
Požiadavky na uchádzača
Znalosť práce s PC
MS Office - užívateľská úroveň, Edupage, MS Teams, Zoom
Vzdelanie podľa Zákona č. 138/2019 Z. z. o pedagogických zamestnancoch a odborných zamestnancoch v znení neskorších predpisov a Vyhlášky MŠVVsŠ SR 1/2020 Z. z.
Ďalšie požiadavky
C.S.Lewis Bilingual High School is looking for an enthusiastic, creative and responsible colleague - part-time for Spanish.
General information:
• Background or relevant teaching experience is prefered
• Combination with English is an advantage
• A part of office communication is solely in English language
• Type of contract upon agreement
• Starting salary min. 1400 e. gross if teaching full-time, and is gradually increased based on qualifications and seniority
Job description:
• Working with high-school students
• Developing lesson plans which meet established school and national curriculum models
• Regular attendance in meetings and trainings
• In-department cooperation in lesson content management
• Participation in the beginning-teachers development program
Benefits offered:
Bilgym (C.S.Lewis Bilingual High School) is an environment in the center of which is the student. We are a team of enthusiastic teachers who, through teaching, strive for passing on values this school is built upon. Our student groups are smaller, about 17 students, and currently there are 478 students studying and 78 teachers teaching at Bilgym. Our school offers inspiring and challenging setting which gives opportunities to grow both professionally and on a personal level. We take pride in our pleasant working conditions and multicultural environment. All new teachers receive vocational guidance throughout their first year with us. Our cooperation and friendships are developed and encouraged at teambuilding events. Furthermore, we offer the tuition discount benefit for the employee’s’ children, based on a situation and school’s financial possibilities.
Our expectations:
We are looking for determination, motivation and enthusiasm in our emplyees. Our teachers should promote enthusiasm for learning and for subjects. They should seek various innovative methods of teaching and work on their own progress and further education. We are looking for teachers who are independent, responsible and flexible, able to cope under pressure and are team-workers. The ability to communicate with adolescents is a must.
Job selection process:
If you are interested in teaching at Bilgym, send us your CV together with a cover letter in which you express why you consider yourself suitable to teach at our school. The selection process includes interviews with various members of our team, as well as a sample lesson taught by the applicants. We will select the most competent teacher but are at the same time looking for a person whose personal values correspond with those promoted at our school. We encourage you to contacts regarding any questions or issues you may have.
Send in your:
• CV
• Cover letter
• Copy of University diploma
at: [email protected]